Sample Cover Letter For Monitoring And Evaluation Specialist

Sample Cover Letter For Monitoring And Evaluation Specialist

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Application for the Post of “Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, P-4, USSC, Nairobi”

The position advertised is an excellent fit with my demonstrated expertise and experience in UNICEF, government, donor agencies, NGOs, and consulting firm over the past 15 years.

I have been working with UNICEF India Country Office in Policy, Planning and Evaluation section since 2009. I have been supporting UNICEF India Office to facilitate and/or lead planning, monitoring, evaluation, social policy and knowledge management functions to benefit three sub-national states that covers 142 million population.

My dedicated appointment as Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in State Planning Commission of Government provided me additional edge and confidence to apply for this position.

Following are a few personal strengths acquired over the period of 15 years while working with different organizations like UNICEF, Government departments, NGOs, Research Organizations, and Media. I am good in core values, demonstrated competencies and emergency exposure which are captured in PERs also.

  • Established Knowledge     Management Centers and protocols/system for the state government. E.g., Evaluation Resource Group, Division for Child Studies, MDG monitoring and     Policy Support Unit, SMART Village Support Unit. This has created enabling     environment to promote and strengthen evidence-based learning and decision     making within government-CSO system.
  • Drafted Evaluation Policy, Evaluation Handbook and supported formation of Evaluation Authority for     Telangana State. Also drafted Public Expenditure reports on Children and     several policy briefs for the State government(s) on scheme performances.
  • Ensured that UNICEF-supported evaluations are strategically selected and conducted in     accordance with global evaluation policy and ROSA Evaluation strategy; uploaded reports and management response plan in the NYHQ database.     Carried out more than 17 evaluations, and 26 studies so far in last 15     years. Currently managing one child labour project evaluation of IKEA donor that was implemented for last four     years.
  • Facilitated UNICEF’s partnership, networking and advocacy efforts with relevant evidence-based     research and knowledge focusing on disadvantaged and excluded children.     Mobilized government resources to speed up achievements of MDGs. Key     contributions are (i) presented papers in Evaluation Conclave –Kathmandu     and Pakistan, (ii) Participated in ROSA Evaluation network meeting in     Pakistan, (iii) distinguished guest lecture series with eminent     personalities, and (iv) established partnership with Community of     Evaluators (CoE), and Washington University for southern zonal government     of India.
  • Coordinated annual     planning exercise, mid-term review, annual reviews, and joint     inter-sectorial evaluation missions and compiled data for the preparation     of the RAM for last six years in UNICEF. Also supported donor driven     programmes and complied with their requirements.
  • Created functional Child     Info Application for the stakeholder(s) – a comprehensive data bank of     social indicators on situation of women and children for three governments     at province level.
  • Developed and managed IMEP     for the states and facilitated IMEP Steering committee meetings chaired by     Dep. Rep- Programme.
  • Having expertise in     conducting assessments of Cyclone and Left-wing extremist issues and     preparedness programmes.

My rich experience and commitment to achieve optimum is aligned well with the advertised position. With this confidence, I am hopeful to get an opportunity to work closely with ______________________ team.

Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Sincerely